Unveiling Shadows: A December Rebellion 💀

The Grinch’s Bold Entry:

This December, witness a visual rebellion against the shadows of recruitment. My LinkedIn picture, once a point of contention for some recruiters (ok I lie; it was one Joker), transforms into the Grinch—a symbol of resilience, an unwavering identity. It’s a subtle but potent statement challenging the shadows that recruiters, knowingly or unknowingly, cast over the canvas of our professional lives.

Navigating the Recruitment Landscape:

My story echoes countless others, underlining the challenge of navigating a recruitment landscape where authenticity too often fades into obscurity.

In the intricate dance of professional interactions, authenticity confronts constant challenges. Recruiters, on occasion, prioritise assumptions over understanding, brushing aside the unique nuances of ones’ professional journey. My encounters, akin to flickering shadows, emphasize the ongoing struggle to uphold authenticity amid the demands of a competitive job market.

The Grinch’s Message:

The Grinch isn’t just a festive icon; it symbolises standing resilience in the face of challenges. Similar to the Grinch reclaiming his identity, this small act of rebellion aims to reclaim the authenticity often lost in the recruitment process.

December’s Call to Action:

This isn’t solely my narrative; it echoes the collective experience of professionals navigating a landscape where authenticity should be the cornerstone. It’s a call to action for both candidates and recruiters to embrace transparency, acknowledge the individuality of each professional, and foster an environment where authenticity thrives. I had the pleasure of speaking to a recruiter who just went out on his own and launched his new agency. He got it. He wanted to learn about the man behind the iron mask. He wanted to truly connect.

Contextualising the Rebellion:

The shift to the Grinch isn’t arbitrary. In previous encounters, one recruiter’s response was unequivocal, stating, “Your LinkedIn profile picture is a red flag, and we wouldn’t be comfortable putting you up for senior roles.” Obviously, this was more of a personal attack towards me as opposed to a considered and objective feedback. Probably because I called out his agency (and himself) for not practicing what they preached – filling our feed with promises of human connection, the need for empathy and for recruiters to do better. The truth pill is harder to swallow for some. The decision to adopt the Grinch persona is both a nod to change and a response to the recurrent theme of identity discussions in professional settings.


December becomes a month not just of festivities but of a subtle rebellion against the shadows of recruitment. Let the Grinch on my LinkedIn be a reminder that authenticity is a strength, not a vulnerability. Here’s to a December where our professional canvas is painted with the bold strokes of transparency and genuine connection.

Wishing you a December adorned with unapologetic authenticity. 💀🎄


Melbourne, Australia

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